4 Ways to Improve Your Appearance for the Holidays

4 Ways to Improve Your Appearance for the Holidays

For a facial filler or Botox®, make sure you see a board-certified cosmetic physician from one of four core specialties: plastic surgery, dermatology, facial plastic surgery (ear, nose, throat), and oculoplastic surgery. These physicians are fully trained in the use of only FDA-approved facial fillers and neuromodulators (eg, Botox®, Dysport®, and Xeomin®).

  1. Drink responsibly, eat healthy foods, and maintain a proper exercise regimen. If you attend a holiday party, limit and pace your alcohol consumption. (And, if course, if you consume alcoholic beverages at these events, please do not drive; take a taxi or share a ride home.) Substitute alcohol for flavored soda water or juices with nutritional value. There is a tendency to eat excessively over the holiday season, so the key is to drink at least 2-3 glasses of water before events, as this will help reduce your appetite. Limit your carbohydrate intake and focus on a diet high in fiber and protein. Keep a log of your aerobic and anaerobic exercise program for 5 days per week (20-30 minutes per session).
  2. Soften wrinkles around eyelids and forehead areas using a neuromodulator (eg, Botox®). Keep in mind that it takes 3-5 days to see the effect.
  3. Restore sagging cheeks and hollow temples, and correct your jawline fullness, with your own fat[2] or use an FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler (eg, Restylane®, Juvederm®, or Voluma™). These are all considered safe, absorbable, and reversible. These fillers will help you look younger and less tired.
  4. Plump up lips to restore the upper and lower lip shape and contour with a soft FDA-approved hyaluronic acid filler (eg, Juvederm® or Restylane® Silk). Do not overdo it, in order to maintain a youthful, natural look. (Never use a permanent filler in the lips or face.)


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